THESIS: Seventeen magazine: Dressing girls of every shape, size and style with tips on hair, make-up, fashion, love and drama!
-Ke$ha wants to start a blue lipstick trend
-82 percent of seventeen readers have peeked at porn.
-you can shop on your iphone or itouch with seventeen app (free download on itunes)
-Working at the company Google, you create your own hours
-Angus T Jones from Two and a half men makes 250,000 a year
TRIUNE BRAIN: The limbic brain is a big part of the seventeen magazine. It tunes into the female readers emotions by having articles about "body peace" for those with self esteem issues (which according to this magazine every teen female has them!), intense articles about escaping an attack, and even has stories of being cheated on by guys. Also, the limbic mind processes images and there are a lot of those featured in this magazine!
The reptillian brain is also used effectively, there are recepies for eating, a sex ed portion and pictures of hunky guys for mating, an article about girl fights for fighting, and an article about escaping an attack for flighting!
8 TRENDS: Personal shift-stories are featured about "real girls" and there is also a feedback section
Economic Shift- the "googlezon" is featured, showing how great it is to work there!

Epistomological Shift-word to image, instead of just articles there are bright images dominating the page.
7 PRINCIPLES: Reality constuction-Everyone may have perfect skin, hair and is fashionable however a model in the magazine confesses it to be just fantasy and photoshop and stylist, even the natural look!
Value message-everyone is beautiful...now here are some tips to make you look prettier!
29 PERSUASIVE TECHNIQUES: Hyperbole-"425 fashion tricks!" there is not actually a page with 425 fashion tricks, it is just the number of tricks featured throughout the magazine

Humor-"tramarama" embaressing stories from seventeen readers that are terriblely embaressing but funny!
(all photos courtesy of Google Images)
Very good SEVENTEEN jockeying, Andrea...
ReplyDeleteTo make this excellent, give us more VISUAL content.
Nice use of our power tools - gotta love SEVENTEEN. Or not.
Dr. W